Featured Artists

Local Art, Local Artists

Hand-crafted Goodness

We have several artists on consignment here in our tie-dye shop and gallery. We feature yard art, wall art, and wearable art. 

Our artists are family and friends – we hope you feel that vibe when you drop in and say hello. Feel free to bring your four-legged family members in too – we have cookies. 

Say hello to our vintage model Esther and walk up the stairs to Doc’s Dyes. 

Local Supporting Local

Consigned Artists

Richard Penick "Concrete Dick"

Concrete Gargoyles, yard art, wall art

Marie Farrington "Magical Marie"

Acrylic on canvas, river rock, other

Josh Bladzik

Bismuth Metal Magnets, Decorative Soaps

Heather Buton

Mixed media folk art